
Implants and planning information.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do we send in a case?
    If you have a case to send in, you may ship it to us via FedEx, UPS, Columbus Delivery or other delivery services.
  • How do we pick up a case?
    If you have a case to be picked up, please call 212-595-2125, or you may stop by our facility at:
    162 West 72nd Street, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10023.
  • Why Choose Zirlux?
    In the past, dentists have relied on full metal or metal occlusal restorations to meet the clinical demands of the most challenging cases. With the introduction of Zirlux FC full contour zirconia, dentists now have an alternative to metal restorations that will meet both clinical and patient demands. Learn more about Zirlux FC.

What Others Have Said

  • "I recently started working for a new doctor who I convinced that by using L&E he will never go back to using anybody else. My boss has been so happy since making this change. 5 stars!"

    — Liz (New York, NY)

Contact Us

Contact NY Dental Laboratory Representative

Have questions or need assistance? Call us:

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162 West 72nd St., 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10023

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